For most benefit plans, you become eligible on the first of the month after you have completed the eligibility requirements.
If you’re a Residential Iron Worker of the Local 361 jurisdiction, you aren’t eligible for dental, optical, hearing aid, life insurance, Member’s Assistance Program, or Health Fund retiree benefits through your attainment of coverage earned in Residential Work.
For detailed eligibility information, refer to the Health Fund Summary Plan Description.
Eligibility Requirements
How to Enroll
You’re automatically enrolled in the Plan when you meet the eligibility requirements.
Your legal spouse and dependent children become eligible at the same time you do. However, you must submit a few items to the Fund Office before your dependents’ coverage will become effective. Here’s what you need to do:
- Complete and submit a Dependent Affidavit (you must do this each quarter).
- Provide proof of your dependent’s eligibility, such as a marriage, birth, or adoption certificate.
- Provide the Social Security number for all dependents you want to enroll.
Making Changes
If you experience a change that affects your or a dependent’s eligibility, you must provide supporting documents within 60 days of the event. Please notify the Fund Office immediately if you experience any of the following changes in family status:
- Marriage, divorce, or legal separation
- Spouse or dependent gains or loses coverage under another health plan
- Birth or adoption of a child
- Death in the family
- Change of address
- Your employment status changes
- A dependent child turns age 26
- Changing your beneficiary
Your spouse or one of your other dependents should notify the Fund Office immediately in the event of your death.
Maintaining Coverage
Once you first become eligible for medical and hospital coverage through the Health Fund, you must work at least 220 hours in covered employment every other calendar quarter to maintain eligibility for the next two quarters. If you’re a Residential Iron Worker of the Local 361 jurisdiction, you must work at least 375 hours in covered employment each calendar quarter to maintain eligibility for the following quarter.
When Coverage Ends
Coverage ends:
- On the last day of the calendar quarter following the quarter in which you don’t meet the hours requirement
- 31 days after you enter military service
- On the date of your death
- On the date the plan is discontinued
If you lose coverage, you may be able to continue coverage under the Plan through COBRA. Electing COBRA coverage means that you’re responsible for the full cost of coverage. Purchasing different coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace at healthcare.gov may be a cheaper alternative to continuing your coverage through the Plan via COBRA.